Any teacher who wants to ensure learner success simply must learn to teach the skills required for competence with texts to any student lacking those skills.
- Determine its structure
- Predict what will be in the chapter
- Ask questions as they read
- Finding main ideas
- Linking ideas in the text to personal experience and prior knowledge
- Monitoring one's attention, thinking and understanding while reading
- Making adjustments in reading in response to self-monitoring
These simple prodding questions can be the difference to if the student understands the text they are reading. I really like the "predict what will be in the chapter" I think as readers students need to know how to predict to keep themselves interested in the book/text they are reading. I have recently learned to love to read, when I say recently like over Christmas break. I have never been the type of girl to pick up a book and carry it everywhere with me and read at every free second I have well over Christmas I made a goal to read 4 books and I DID IT!!! I found myself making predictions constantly, I was also talking to my husband about the main ideas so the books were sticking with me! It was kind of exciting. I never knew reading could be fun I always thought it was punishment. Not anymore!!!
Another thing I think could and would be extremely helpful is for students to get in groups and have a "book club" of some sort to keep each other excited and interested in the readings. I also really like the double entry journal we learned about in our Literacy classes. I think the more engaged the students are in the book/text the more excited they will be to reading the material.
Since you like the "double entry journal" idea, please take a peek at the "tripple entry" idea, and prompts of different kinds of "double entry" journals that are posted in that module of our Canvas class. SOme pretty cool ideas about differentiating it... 5 pts.