"Those of us lucky enough to make connections with students once or twice or three times know this to be true, because it truth"
I think as a teacher if you can effectively implement these four bullet points in your classroom every single day your students will react so differently to you. They will gain respect for the classroom, and everyone in it. I can not wait to be able to do all of these things every single day.
- Students consistently want teachers who respect them, listen to them, show empathy towards them, help them work out their problems, and become humans by sharing their own lives and ideas with their students
- Effective Teachers consistently emphasize that their love for their students is a key element in their success
- Caring teachers intentionally develop awareness of their students cultures outside of school
- High levels of teacher motivation relate to high levels of student achievement
- Effective teachers reteach materials to students who need additional help
- Effective teachers match instruction to learners' achievement needs
During field my Principal focused so much on reteach. There was suppose to be a set time everyday to do some sort of reteach. The teacher I was with mostly retaught Math, but sometimes it would be a reteach on writing. I was able to observe another teacher during their reteach section and she had groups that needed certain things so she specifically helped them. One group focused on Math, and the other group focused on writing. I thought this was really effective because it make smaller groups so the students can see examples better and they can also work and feed off of each other.
I agree that reteaching is critical to student success... but I also applaud (and highly value) teachers who are proactive about helping students succeed, and plan proactively with differentiation ideas... and tiering. 5 pts.